Contact us.

For any inquiries, please include date, quantity and size of cookies needed, and flavors wanted. See below for pricing and signature flavors.

Please allow at least 24-48hrs for a response. We may take longer to respond during our busy seasons. We ask that special orders are given at least 2 weeks advance notice.


Full Size Cookies (5oz)

Single- 4.5

Half Dozen- 24

Dozen- 42

Half. Size Cookies (2.5oz)

Single- 3

Half Dozen- 15

Dozen- 27

Signature Flavors Include:

You’re On My Chip List (Chocolate Chip)

S’more Than a Feeling

Girls Just Wanna Have Funfetti (Vanilla with Rainbow Sprinkles)

Get Oat of Here (Oatmeal Chocolate Chip)

Don’t Get Your Snickers in a Twist (Snickerdoodle)

Peanut Butter Than Sex (Chocolate Peanut Butter)

Raisin Hell (Glazed Oatmeal Raisin)